Saturday, February 12, 2022

Dreams Past, Present, and Future

 Dreams Past, Present, and Future

Dreams, dreams, dreams, nightdreams, daydreams,

Dreams of the past, present, and future,

Merged into one dream, a beautiful dream of life, love, death,

I dream of the America I once loved without reservations,

I believed in the American Dream,

The shiny city on the hill, not Capitol Hill,

The city of persons on the hills, mountains, valleys, plains,

The city of the people made up of persons,

Individuals who think and act responsibly,

Individuals free from government oppression,

I dreamed of those who came before me,

I dreamed of the Native Americans and all who came here,

From Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East,

All who came to escape war and oppression,

All who died in their fight for freedom,

I dream of the present built on past dreams,

I dream of the farms and factories that made this country possible,

I have nightmares of how we sell it and give it away for profit,

In God we stopped trusting and demand all pay in cash or life,

The dreams of Walt and Woody trashed by Congress,

Sold by Wall Street,

Dreams maintained by sex, drugs, alcohol, virtual reality,

All dreams going, going, gone into the future,

But what future?

A future of hope or despair?

Is there time to save America or will it go the way of Rome,

Eating itself alive in its lust for world domination,

Dominating its people, destroying them with law and more law,

Cold law, vicious law, obey, obey, obey,

Submit for the greater good,

I hope, dream of a new beginning,

Dreams can come true if you learn to believe,

What say you?

Confessions of an Online Male Prostitute

Confessions of an Online Male Prostitute A novella available in print and as an eBook by going to Amazon at  Confessions